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2015 DirectAdmin 最新安装步骤·精简版·

sed -i "s/^SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=disabled/" /etc/sysconfig/selinux 
yum -y update     #更新系统
yum -y install wget gcc gcc-c++ flex bison make bind bind-libs bind-utils openssl openssl-devel perl quota libaio libcom_err-devel libcurl-dev gd unzip bzip2 automake autoconf     #安装必要组件 
yum remove httpd php mysql    #移除必要服务
wget http://www.directadmin.com/setup.sh    #下载安装文件
chmod 755 setup.sh   #设置安装文件权限 
./setup.sh  #运行安装文件 

Please enter your Client ID : 代理商ID

Please enter your License ID : 授权ID 

Please enter your hostname \(server.domain.com\)
It must be a Fully Qualified Domain Name
Do *not* use a domain you plan on using for the hostname:
eg. don't use domain.com. Use server.domain.com instead.
Do not enter http:// or www

Enter your hostname (FQDN) : 

这一步选择 安装的属性包,我们一般安装第三个足够,如果你追新,那么可以安装第四个。

DirectAdmin will now be installed on: Enterprise 6.5
Is this correct? (must match license) (y,n) : y

You now have 4 options for your apache/php setup. 
1: customapache: end-of-life software.  Apache 1.3, php 4, frontpage. Do not use. No support. 
2: custombuild 1.1: end-of-life software.  Apache 2.x, php 4, 5, or both in cli and/or suphp. Defaults to php 5.2
3: custombuild 1.2:      Production version: Apache 2.x, php 5, 6, or both in cli and/or suphp. Defaults to php 5.3
4: custombuild 2.0 BETA: Apache 2.4, mod_ruid2, php 5.5. Can be set to use php-FPM or fastcgi.
 Post any issues with custombuild to the forum: http://forum.directadmin.com/forumdisplay.php?f=61 Enter your choice (1, 2, 3 or 4): 

 Post any issues with custombuild to the forum: http://forum.directadmin.com/forumdisplay.php?f=61 Enter your choice (1, 2, 3 or 4): 


Would you like the default settings of apache 2.2 and php 5.3 cli? (y/n): 
Using the default settings for custombuild.
Would you like to search for the fastest download mirror? (y/n): 
接下来就是一路等待,一直到看到用户名 和 密码为止


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